Showcase presentations come in all shapes and sizes. Some are tiny — with only one or two files — and others are huge.

It's important to remember that if your presentation gets too big or contains too many large files, it can have a negative impact on how your viewers experience your presentation.

The presentation may take longer to download, particularly on slower devices or ones with limited memory (the device, not the user). If the device doesn't have enough storage space, it might stop the download altogether — meaning your users could miss out on vital information.

We recommend the following limits for Showcase presentations:

  • Under 500 slides
  • Fewer than 500 files total
  • Less than 1GB in size (total)

Before you publish a presentation, our system will check it and let you know how many slides it contains and how big it is.

If your presentation is within the limits, you'll see a green tick beside each one when you hit 'Publish'. This means you're good to go!

If you see a red cross beside either of these numbers, hover over the question mark icon to see our recommendations.

You can still publish a presentation if it's over the limits; you simply risk long download times and slower performance.


How can I keep my presentation within these limits? 

  • Split your content across multiple presentations: The great thing about Showcase Workshop is you can have as many presentations as you like. This means you don't have to pack all your content into a single, enormous presentation. Planning your content management strategy upfront and deciding how you want to separate your presentations can save you a lot of hassle — and potentially a few headaches — down the line. Read about content planning in our handy dandy guide!
  • Check the size as you go: You can check the size of your presentation and number of slides as you go in the presentation's Outline. This is a great way to keep track of the numbers before you're ready to publish so you can make changes on the fly.
  • Compress your videos: When it comes to content, videos usually take up the most space and can quickly bump up your presentation's size. We recommend compressing your videos to reduce their size before adding them.
  • Stick to 72ppi images: Setting your images — including background images — to a resolution higher than 72ppi won't make them look any crisper when viewed in Showcase Workshop, but it will increase the file size. Stick to 72ppi to get the best of both worlds.